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1 General Description

ICC's source code formatter, iccfmt, formats the Ada source files specified on the command line in a manner similar to that used throughout the Ada Language Reference Manual (LRM). An output file is created with the same name as the input file except with the extension changed to .fmt. The format may be changed by using qualifiers on the command line or in an optional startup option file. The startup option file is placed in the user's home directory and named .iccfmt.

The startup option file can contain any options that may be specified on the command line. Ada-style comments are also supported. By using the startup option file, a user can automatically format files to standardized coding styles or to his/her own personal style.

Error recovery is minimal. If any errors should occur while parsing the input source file, no .fmt file is generated and at least one error message indicating the filename, line number of the first detected error, and type of the error is printed to standard output. Additional error checking may or may not be performed depending on the type of error(s) discovered.

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